Thomas Edison

Exhibition pays tribute to Turkish painter

As part of the International Women's Day events, a painting exhibition, titled "Painter Mihri in Istanbul, Rome, New York" has recently opened at Vadistanbul Shopping Mall.

The exhibition, featuring works by Mihri Rasim Müşfik Açba, one of the first contemporary female painters in Türkiye, will be on display through March 10.

The Misfit Economy: lessons in creativity from informal entrepreneurs

Inspiration is probably the most important leadership trait - top leaders inspire other people. However, there is also another point of view: where do leaders get inspiration? You can hardly find an interview with a renowned leader which does not include this question, from nature or art are the most common and expected answers.

Controversial Author Claims Tesla for Montenegro

A book "Nikola Tesla declared himself as Montenegrin", published in Montenegro, has added fuel to the long-standing dispute over the national identity of the scientist Nikola Tesla, who lived and worked in the US. Born to a Serbian Orthodox family in Smiljan, Austria-Hungary, now Croatia, he died in New York in 1943.

What have you done for the technology industry today?

Yesterday the first thing I read was a Facebook entry saying "This week he [Elon Musk] sold $14 billion of orders for a revolutionary new car and successfully landed a rocket on a floating drone ship. What did you do?" 

Since then I have been trying to justify my existence but have not been able to find a good enough reason why I should exist in the same world with a man like that. 

Tsipras: Phantasos, Morpheus and Phobetor - all in one

In his election campaign, Alexis Tsipras, the Greek prime minister, looked more like Phantasos, the god of fake dreams full of illusions. After he won the elections on Jan. 25 ? and a historic referendum on July 5 ? he looked more like Morpheus, the winged god of dreams who could take human form in dreams. These days he rather looks like Phobetor, the personification of nightmares ?