Fatih Municipality

Children collect garbage on World Environment Day

As part of the June 5 World Environment Day, children across the country have picked up rubbish on the streets in various organizations to raise environmental awareness.

In Istanbul, the Fatih Municipality gathered around 300 young volunteer environmentalists to collect garbage on the streets of the Balat neighborhood.

Historical hammam hosts contemporary artworks

Muse Contemporary, an art foundation hosting exhibitions in different venues around Turkey, is showcasing South African artist Michael Singer's sculpture and installation Bennu Statis at the Küçük Mustafa Paşa Hammam/Turkish Bath. The exhibition is organized with the Culture and Tourism Ministry, South Africa's Ankara Embassy and the Fatih Municipality.

Istanbul's historic walls against the bride's veil

Wedding parties can be held in most venues built by district municipalities across Turkey. 

There are many options available to the public. Menus are reasonably priced, ranging from 46 Turkish Liras per person to 58 liras per person for a "white meat wedding" at municipality venues. The price of the posher "red meat wedding" is 58 liras to 68 liras per person. 

Historic city walls covered with roof, converted for wedding hall in Istanbul

The Fatih Municipality of Istanbul has controversially converted historic city walls, on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites protected list, for the construction of a new wedding hall, covering them with a portable roof after receiving permission from the Provincial Board of Cultural Property Protection. 

CHP to apply to UNESCO over contentious urban restoration law

Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Istanbul deputy and parliamentary group deputy chair Gürsel Tekin has said he will carry a controversial Istanbul Municipality decision to sideline the approval process conducted by the Cultural Heritage Preservation Board regarding historical buildings in Istanbul's old city to UNESCO.

250-year-old Ottoman school restored without authorization

A 250-year-old Ottoman-era building in Istanbul's Fatih district has undergone an unauthorized restoration, prompting investigations by authorities. 

The Yusuf Ağa Sibyan Mektebi, an Ottoman-era elementary school, currently under the administration of the Independent Art Foundation, was concreted and painted with tile color on its external front. 

Istanbul's 560-year old Grand Bazaar holds first ever board election

Istanbul's Grand Bazaar, one of the oldest surviving shopping centers in the world, has a new president and board following the first elections in its nearly six-century history. 

The election over the weekend came at a time when the discussion over renovating the facility, a top tourism spot in the city, has heated up. 
