
Top science accolades go to researcher and professor emeritus

Ljubljana – This year’s Zois Prizes for lifetime achievement in science and research have been bestowed on researcher Tamara Lah Turnšek of the National Institute of Biology and University of Ljubljana professor emeritus Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik. The recipients were presented in a documentary showed on TV Slovenija last evening.

Australia is Preparing for the Hottest Day in its History

Australia may experience the hottest day in its history this week after a heat wave in the western part of the country began to move east, meteorologists have warned, quoted by the BBC.

Temperatures are likely to exceed 40 degrees Celsius in many areas on Wednesday, the Bureau of Meteorology said.

Minister Intotero meets representatives of Brisbane's Romanian community

The Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia-Elena Intotero had a meeting with representatives of the Romanian community of Brisbane, Australia, who indicated their interest in keeping cultural and linguistic ties with Romania and the initiative of the Ministry of Romanians Abroad (MRP) to distribute folk costumes, provide educational support in Romanian and student camps.
