Accession of Turkey to the European Union

EU to impose additional sanctions on Turkey

The European Union announced early Dec. 11 that it has decided to impose additional sanctions on Turkish individuals and companies in light of Turkey's activities in the Eastern Mediterranean. 

As the EU Leaders Summit in Brussels continued, the union shared the relevant part of the final declaration on Turkey as they reached a consensus after long hours of negotiations.

Return of Turkish vessel to port good signal ahead of EU summit: Merkel

Germany on Nov. 30 welcomed the return to port of Turkish research vessel Oruç Reis after completing its energy exploration mission in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Speaking at a virtual conference on Germany's EU presidency, Merkel said relations with Turkey, and recent tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, would be among the major topics of the EU leaders summit on Dec. 10-11.

EU should correct its east Med mistakes to improve ties with Turkey: Top diplomat

The European Union has to correct its mistakes on its position over the ongoing row in the eastern Mediterranean and engage in a constructive dialogue with Turkey, Turkey's top diplomat has said, suggesting that the entire Europe will suffer if it fails to do so.

Top Turkish diplomat marks Europe Day

Turkey is open to sincere and meaningful cooperation with the EU for a common future, Turkey's foreign minister said on May 9 to commemorate Europe Day.

Europe Day, also known as the Schuman Day, is observed on May 9 each year to mark the Schuman Declaration in 1950 that proposed the formation of a European Coal and Steel Community, the predecessor to the EU.
