Arkansas Democrats

Hillary Clinton in Sofia: Women’s Equality Remains the Unfinished Business of the 21st Century

Women's rights remain the unfinished business of the 21st century, with a pressing need to support young women in obtaining education and skills to realize their potential. This sentiment was expressed by Hillary Clinton during a special meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in Sofia, organized by Kiril Domuschiev and Domuschiev Impact.

Hillary Clinton is Coming to Bulgaria

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be attending a special meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in Sofia on May 18, 2024. Hosted by Kiril Domuschiev, co-founder of the Domuschiev Impact initiative, the gathering aims to convene global leaders from both the public and private sectors to devise strategies for advancing women's empowerment on a global scale.