Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution

Iran might have hit Turkish soldiers, Pentagon says

A drone that killed four Turkish soldiers last week in Syria might belong to Iran, the Pentagon has said.

There are four actors who might have conducted the deadly attack, a senior U.S. official told Hürriyet following a report in which a senior Turkish official said an Iranian-made drone was used in the attack in northern Syria.

Iran showcases new combat drone, copied from US unmanned aircraft

Iran's Revolutionary Guards unveiled a home-built drone that they said was capable of carrying bombs, state media reported on Oct. 1, in what appeared to be another copy of a reconnaissance U.S. drone that Iran captured five years ago. 

The drone, called Saegheh, or lightning, was unveiled at an expo showcasing the latest achievements by the Revolutionary Guards' aerospace arm. 

Zarrab connections

Let's not talk about the unknown. Did Reza Zarrab, a Turkish businessman of Iranian origin, go to the U.S. knowing he would be arrested? Is the U.S. attorney Preet Bharara going to suggest that Ankara has been trying to protect Zarrab from Turkey's Dec. 17, 2013 corruption case? 

Biden says US will 'act' if Iran missile tests confirmed

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said on March 9 that the United States would take action against Iran if long-range ballistic missile tests Tehran said it carried out were confirmed.

"I want to reiterate, as I know people still doubt, if in fact they break the [nuclear] deal, we will act," Biden said during a visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories on March 9.
