
Astronomers reveal what ignites quasars

Astronomers said on April 26 that for the first time they have confirmed what ignites quasars, the brightest and most powerful objects in the universe, which put galaxies in their "death throes."

These celestial behemoths form when two galaxies smash into each other, the astronomers said, warning that this could be the Milky Way's fate in a few billion years.

Astronomers discover one of biggest black holes ever recorded

One of the largest black holes ever recorded has been discovered using a new technique that could spot thousands more of the insatiable celestial monsters in the coming years, according to astronomers.

The ultramassive black hole, one of just four ever observed, is more than 30 billion times the mass of the Sun, a new study said.

NASA Reveals What the Sun's 'Dynamic Movement' Sounds Like (Video)

A new video released by NASA reveals what it sounds like when the Sun moves, waves, loops and erupts to our ears, and how it might help them study the giant star.

The U.S. space agency says using data captured by the European Space Agency and its own Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, NASA has been able to study the "dynamic movement" of our Sun for more than 20 years. 
