Bob Menendez

Menendez responds to Turkey’s violations of Cyprus’ EEZ with call on Biden administration, EU to stand by Nicosia

By George Gilson

Even as Turkey is blocking seismic research by the research vessel Nautical Geo in the Exclusive Economic Zone, US Senator Robert Menendez has called for solidarity with Cyprus.

To Vima Exclusive: US Congressional Act backs Greek purchase of F-35 fighter planes, frigates

By Angelos Athanasopoulos

In a move, charged with weighty geopolitical significance that can lead to a further strategic upgrade of Greece in US geostrategic planning, Democratic Senator and Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations Bob Menendez today tabled an Act designed to further bolster US-Greece military cooperation.

The significance of Bob Menendez’s return to the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

US Senator Bob Menendez's return to the chairmanship of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee is very important for America, for our commitment to democracy and human rights and for areas in which he has particular interest, such as Cyprus, Greece and the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the Orthodox Church. His return is important for a number of reasons.
