British knights

Who is the Nazi, Queen Elizabeth or Edward VIII? (photos)

British tabloid newspaper The Sun has released shocking video footage of Queen Elizabeth at age 7 saluting Nazi style! In the 1933 video- photos of which are splashed on the front page- we see King Edward VIII teaching the Nazi salute to his two nieces Elizabeth and Margarita in the palace gardens.

Suicide Bomb Explodes at Shia Mosque in Kuwait, Leaves Several People Dead

A suicide bomb attack, which exploded at a Shia mosque in the capital of Kuwait - Kuwait City on Friday left several people dead.

According to some reports, at least eight people were killed and injuring several others in the suicide attack, which came after the Friday prayers, Al Jazeera reports.

Ottoman flag returned to Turkey

A flag which symbolized the sovereignty of the Ottomans in Damascus 100 years ago but disappeared during World War I has been returned to Turkey, Culture and Tourism Minister Ömer Çelik said, while providing information about the return of smuggled Turkish artifacts.