Climate change in Australia

Fire Service reports 67 blazes in forest and agricultural areas

In what could be a foretaste of the summer, the Fire Service said on Thursday that a total of 67 blazes in forest and agricultural areas occurred in a 24-hour period between Wednesday and Thursday.

Of these, the Fire Service said 56 were dealt with immediately, at their initial stage, while firefighters were tackling 11 more.

Bulgaria’s PM: A 10% Reduction in Carbon Emissions is Not Acceptable, We will Ask for Postponement

"The way the parameters are set in the current Recovery and Resilience Plan is not good for us. The previous government had committed to a 40% reduction in carbon emissions. This means closing down specific coal-fired power plants.

Parliament approves energy crisis relief package

Ljubljana – The National Assembly overwhelmingly approved on Tuesday the government package to mitigate the impact of high energy prices. As the coalition praised the bill and the wide range of beneficiaries during the debate, most of the opposition MPs also supported the bill, although they argued that the aid would come too late.

Fresh deluge worsens 'one in 100 year' Australia floods

Torrential rain lashed Australia's southeast again on March 22, worsening once-in-a-century flooding that has forced 18,000 people to evacuate their homes and shuttered hundreds of schools.

The days-long deluge has inundated coastal areas of New South Wales, the country's most populous state, including parts of Sydney.
