Climate change denial

NATO meets as pressure grows to let Ukraine hit Russia

NATO foreign ministers meet in Prague on Thursday in the face of growing calls for leading allies to lift restrictions stopping Kiev from using Western weapons to strike inside Russia.

The two-day gathering in the Czech capital is meant to focus on efforts to hammer out a package of support for Ukraine at NATO's summit in Washington in July.

Trump's interview with Tucker Carlson compared to the first Republican Presidential Debate garnered Millions of Views

Former US President Donald Trump, who decided to skip the first presidential debate of the contenders for the nomination of the Republican Party, has collected millions of views in an interview on the social network "X" (formerly "Twitter") last night, "on the back" of the appearance of his opponent on "Fox News", reported "Reuters".

Nigel Farage's Аccounts were Closed after it was Revealed the Russians were Paying him

The leader of the nationalist British Independence Party, Nigel Farage, complained that all seven of his accounts had been closed.

This came after an MP claimed in Parliament that Farage had received more than half a million pounds from Russian TV station Russia Today in 2018 alone.

96% of Humanity has Felt the Impact of Global Warming

Whether they realize it or not, some 7.6 billion people - 96% of humanity - have felt the impact of global warming on temperatures in the past 12 months, researchers say.

But some regions have felt it much more strongly and more often than others, according to a report by Climate Central, a climate science think tank.

Britain is Increasing Military Support for Ukraine, a Ban on RT is Possible

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced that London will increase military support for Ukraine with weapons and "non-lethal" aid.

In parliament, Johnson described the decision "in line with our previous support" and as a result of the "increasingly threatening" Russia's behavior
