Coalition governments

Cracks appear in SYRIZA due to migration bill

Greek parliament approved in principle on Friday a bill on migration activating the EU-Turkey agreement and allowing the return of refugees to Turkey as of Monday, with 169 votes in favour and 107 against.

SYRIZA, ANEL, the Democratic Coalition and Potami voted in favour of the bill, while New Democracy, Golden Dawn, the Communist Party and the Centrists’ Union voted it down.

Watch Live: Discussion on bill concerning same-sex partnership

An ideological rift between the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) ruling party and its junior coalition party member Independent Greeks (ANEL) has resulted following the submission of the bill that allows for same-sex partnership rights. ANEL’s position is to vote against the first 14 articles of the bill that give the LGBT community the same legal rights as heterosexual couples.
