Crimean Federal District

Marine Le Pen says Crimea's reunification with Russia was legitimate

BELGRADE - Crimea's incorporation into Russia was legitimate, leader of France's National Front, Marine Le Pen, has said.

"I do not think that (Crimea's) reunification (with Russia) was illegitimate," she told the BFM TV network on Tuesday. "A referendum was organized, and residents of Crimea voted to join Russia. I see no grounds whatsoever to question this referendum."

FM: Kiev used "unacceptable language" to talk about Russia

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says Serbia found a recent UNGA resolution on Crimea unacceptable because of the way it qualified Russia.

As Dacic told reporters in Belgrade on Thursday, the Kiev-proposed resolution on "violations of human rights in Crimea" speaks about Russia "in the worst possible way."

Is a new Cold War brewing?

Since Russia's invasion of Crimea in 2014 and the military operations in eastern Ukraine, the concept of a "Cold War" has become part of our daily lexicon again. While the U.S.-led Western alliance hasn't fully digested the annexation of Crimea and has been busy developing strategies on how to best confront Russian expansionism in Eastern Europe, the Kremlin decided to get directly involved in

Latest Putin adventure reminiscent of Jules Verne novel (watch vid)

After catching a 21-kilo fish, piloting a F1 race car and flying in a supersonic warplane, among many other PR stunts, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday was shown plunging into the Black Sea waters in a mini-submarine to explore a shipwreck off Crimea, the peninsula Russia annexed after seizing it from war-torn Ukraine.
