
Which countries prefer coffee-to-go? (infographic)

Some people enjoy waking up early and brewing the perfect cup of coffee before they leave for work. Others prefer lying in bed a little bit longer and grabbing a coffee-to-go during their morning commute. Coffee-to-go has grown in popularity across the globe in recent years, though the amount people drink still depends heavily on their country of residence.

Wandering wheat

Back in the 1960's, Jack Harlan, a devoted American agronomist harvested wild wheat in southeastern Turkey as if a gatherer would do 10,000 years ago. He first tried using only his hands; hand-stripping the mature wheat ears, then he tried using a replica of an ancient sickle, a razor-sharp flint blade embedded in a wooden handle.

Strawberry producers in Silifke aim to boost exports amid Russia difficulties

Strawberry producers in the Silifke district of the southern province of Mersin, home to 40 percent of the strawberry production in Turkey, are hoping to increase their exports, which have been decreasing for the last couple of years particularly due to difficulties in the Russian market.

Good Grain Harvest Expected by Ministry of Agriculture

At the unveiling of the harvesting campaign in the town of Karnobat, Southeastern Bulgaria, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Atanas Dobrev foresaw good grain harvest for this year, BNR writes.

Over 5 million tons of wheat grain are expected to be gathered and those will be enough for providing the country's grain balance.

Producers lobby in Ankara bid to halt controversial draft law on olive groves

Representatives from Turkey's olive industry met two top officials on June 7 in a bid to halt a contentious draft law, which will make it possible for the building of industrial facilities on olive groves if "public interest" can be imputed under the supervision of a preservation board. 
