Debt crisis

Greek economy expected to shrink by 5-10 pct this year, says finance minister

The Greek economy, hit by coronavirus restrictions, is expected to shrink by 5-10 percent this year, the country's finance minister said on Saturday.

"It seems we have been settling at a range of between 5 and 10 percentage points," Finance Minister Christos Staikouras told Open television station.

Joint liability bonds for a joint European defense against the pandemic

The problem. Mitigating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic will require a significant increase in public spending to rescue sinking economies and further shield health systems. At the same time, tax revenues will be collapsing as long as economic activity remains suppressed. Budget deficits will inevitably swell, leading to soaring public debt.

Explainer: How euro zone 'coronabonds' might work

The coronavirus pandemic has revived the acrimonious debate between eurozone countries about jointly issuing debt to meet healthcare needs and address the deep economic downturn that is set to follow.

Nine of the 19 countries that use the single currency called on March 25 for a common debt instrument issued by a European institution to fight the outbreak and its effects.

Finance minister says coronavirus has suspended planned bond issue

A rise in borrowing costs caused by the coronavirus has halted Greek plans to tap bond markets again this year, Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said on Friday.

Greece emerged from bailouts in 2018 after a decade-long debt crisis that locked it out of bond markets for years. It has since had several successful issues, including a 15-year bond in January.
