Diagnostic radiology

Bulgarian Doctors Will Provide Referrals For MRI Scans

Dr. Gergana Nikolova from the Bulgarian Medical Association (BMA) commented on BNT that the importance of the changes and the significance of preventive check-ups lie not only in prevention but also in the opportunity to increase access to Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for the detection of more serious diseases in early stages.

Greece has most mammography units in EU

Greece has the highest availability of mammography units in the European Union, new data from Eurostat has shown.

In 2021, Greece had 7.1 and Cyprus 5.9 machines per 100,000 female inhabitants aged 50-69 years.

The rate of mammography units, which are designed exclusively for taking mammograms, was also high in Belgium (3.6), Italy (3.4) and Croatia (3.3).