Effects of climate change

Australia's Great Barrier Reef hit by record bleaching

Australia's spectacular Great Barrier Reef is experiencing its worst bleaching event on record, the country's reef authority reported on Wednesday.

Often dubbed the world's largest living structure, the Great Barrier Reef is a 2,300-kilometre (1,400-mile) long expanse, home to a stunning array of biodiversity including more than 600 types of coral and 1,625 fish species.

UN envoy says of the threat to coral reefs: ‘Are we faced with a colossal ecosystem tragedy? Yes’

The world is not doing enough to protect coral reefs, the United Nations' special envoy for the ocean said Tuesday in defense of the marine ecosystems that protect biodiversity, sustain underwater life and produce some of the oxygen we breathe.

Southern Europe most vulnerable to climate change impacts, expert study warns

Southern Europe is already hurting and will hurt even more in the years to come from rising temperature, less rainfall, coastal erosion and floods, the European Environment Agency (EEA) warns in its first European Climate Risk Assessment report published earlier this month.

Global sea level jumped due to El Nino and climate change: NASA

Global average sea level rose by about 0.76 centimeters from 2022 to 2023, nearly four times the increase of the previous year, NASA said on March 21, attributing the "significant jump" to a strong El Nino and a warming climate.

The NASA-led analysis is based on more than 30 years of satellite observations.
