Effects of the Israel–Hamas war

Erdoğan vows to hold Israel accountable for Gaza actions

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has declared that Türkiye will use all available means to hold Israel accountable for its actions in Gaza.

"We will use all our means to hold those who claimed the lives of 35,000 of our brothers accountable before the law," Erdoğan said during an event in the capital Ankara on May 6.

European states expected to recognise Palestinian statehood by end May, Borrell says

Several European member states are expected to recognise Palestinian statehood by the end of May, the EU's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Monday at the sidelines of a World Economic Forum special meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Middle East, world cannot 'afford more war': UN chief

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned the international community Sunday against deeper descent into conflict, addressing the Security Council during a meeting over Iran's weekend attack on Israel.

"Neither the region nor the world can afford more war," Guterres said.

"The Middle East is on the brink," he told the Security Council.