Endocrine system

Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh is world’s oldest case of gigantism

An ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ruled 4,700 years ago was a giant, scientists have announced. The remains, believed to belong to King Sanakht, who ruled during the third Dynasty, are believed to represent the oldest case of gigantism ever found—indicating the condition was not associated with social isolation.

A new drug may be able to completely reverse diabetes

In the global community, the number of people with diabetes has been on the rise since 1980, with 422 million people diagnosed by 2014. The U.S. alone has experienced a substantial rise in the incidence of diabetes, with the number of Americans diagnosed increasing from 5.5 million in 1980, to 22 million in 2014—a more than 300 percent increase in less than 40 years.

Losing your smart-phone more stressful than terror attack, study finds

How stressful would it be if a city came under a terrorist attack? Well, according to study in the UK not more than if someone lost their smart-phone! According to a study conducted by the Physiological Society in the UK, losing one’s smart-phone induces more stress than a terrorist attack.

Automn is the best time for sex games

According to German sexologists, autumn is the best time of the year for sex. Unforgettable nights of sex are more likely to happen during September, October and November, while the levels of testosterone and estrogen hormones rise.
According to newspaper Bild, autumn is the best time for sex for the following reasons:
