European Economic Area

EU Population Trends: Bulgaria Sees Largest Decrease

As of January 1, 2023, the European Union (EU) has a population of 448.8 million people. Germany is the most populous EU country, with 84.4 million residents (19% of the EU total), followed by France (68.2 million, 15%), Italy (59.0 million, 13%), Spain (48.1 million, 11%), and Poland (36.8 million, 8%).

Majority of Young Bulgarians Express Intent to Vote in European Elections

According to data from a Eurobarometer survey cited by the media, a majority of young Bulgarians (54 percent) indicate their intention to participate in the upcoming European Parliament elections scheduled for June 9. This figure contrasts with the EU average, where 64 percent of eligible young voters express their willingness to engage in the electoral process.

Europe will adapt or die

The time demands that the European Union acts. The problems are evident, from the two wars on its borders and the climate crisis, to the demographic collapse of member-states and the tremors in the international system of political and economic governance.

Bulgarians Show Lowest Support for EU Membership

Bulgaria finds itself at the bottom of the list in terms of citizens who believe in the benefits of EU membership, according to the latest Eurobarometer survey results. The survey, conducted across all 27 EU member states, reveals a concerning trend as Bulgaria marks a significant decline in voter turnout projections for the upcoming European elections.
