Gaza City

UN agencies, 36 countries mull aid to Gaza through Cyprus

Officials from 36 countries and UN agencies gathered in Cyprus on Thursday to discuss how to expedite aid to besieged Palestinians in Gaza via a sea route launched last week.

Thursday's gathering is being attended by Sigrid Kaag, the UN's senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for Gaza, as well as Curtis Ried, chief of staff of the US National Security Council.

Blinken due in Mideast in new bid to secure Gaza truce

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was due to return Wednesday to the Middle East in a new bid to secure a truce in the Israel-Hamas war.

Following a failed attempt to secure a ceasefire in the war in the Gaza Strip by the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan last week, a new round of negotiations hosted by key mediator Qatar has begun.

UNICEF Reports Devastating Toll on Children in Gaza: Over 13,000 Killed!

In a harrowing revelation, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has disclosed that more than 13,000 children lost their lives during the Israeli offensive in Gaza. The distressing report, highlighted by Reuters, underscores the profound humanitarian crisis gripping the region, with many children suffering from severe malnutrition and unimaginable trauma.
