Geography of the United States

Hurricane ‘Mathew’ approaches Florida (video)

Hurricane Matthew has strengthened as it moves slowly towards Florida, and is set to be the strongest storm in the US for 12 years.
With winds of 125mph (205km/h), it is expected to hit Florida early on Friday as a Category Four storm.
At 20:00 local time (01:00 GMT), it was 75 miles offshore of West Palm Beach.

Terror: At least 113 dead in the Caribbean from hurricane Matthew

Hurricane Matthew has strengthened as it nears a “direct hit” with Florida, and is set to be the strongest storm in the United States for 12 years. The hurricane has pounded the Bahamas after devastating parts of Haiti. Damage could be “catastrophic”, Florida’s governor said. Evacuation orders are in place along the coast.

PM opens 5.6-kilometer-long stretch of Corridor 10 highway

Aleksandar Vucic on Monday opened a 5.6-kilometer-long stretch of the Corridor 10 highway from Grabovnica, near Leskovac, to Grdelica.

The prime minister spoke during the ceremony to say that works on a highway "from the Macedonian border and Presevo to Subotica or to Sid" will be completed by this time next year, Tanjug reported.

Tornado hit Kalamata (video)

A tornado hit Kalamata yesterday causing serious damages to houses, shops, gardens and a cemetery.

Major damages and problems were also caused by the tornado in the prefecture of Lakonia. It ripped off roofs from houses, overturned cars, uprooted trees and destroyed stores.

Watch a new video showing the tornado.


Model shoot on idyllic beach spoilt by illegal migrants (vid)

Ekaterina Juskowski was filming her friend on a Miami beach when a group of illegal migrants jumped from a ship and ran to the beach for safety. US Border Patrol Spokesman Frank Miller said that the video was “testament to how confident” immigrants are in entering the United States.
