
Lower-priced lenten grocery basket available for Clean Monday

The Lenten Basket of lower-priced goods for the Clean Monday holiday and the period of Orthodox Lent will be available as of Wednesday.

The special basket, which will be available until May 4, will include products such as legumes, rice, pasta and frozen vegetables, halva, frozen seafood and Lenten salads.


Bulgaria Marks Sirni Zagovezni – the Day of Forgiveness

On March 14, 2021, Bulgarians mark Sirzi Zagovezni - the day of forgiveness. The date is different every year. The feast always falls on Sundays, seven weeks before Easter.

People in Bulgaria keep the tradition to ask forgiveness to the older family members. The words that are used are "Forgive me" and the answer is "You are forgiven".

Greek snacks everywhere you go!

Holidays in Greece consist of various activities – sightseeing, touring, visiting museums and archaeological sites – and as a result you are bound to get hungry in between meals and may want to keep in mind of the nutritious, yet delicious, quick snacks available, or simply because you wish to satisfy your appetite.

Bulgarian Orthodox Christians Say Sorry on Forgiveness Day

Bulgarians observe Sunday a self-styled traditional 'Forgiveness Day' on which everyone asks everyone to forgive his or her misdeeds over the passed year.

The rite is centered in families and communities, in which people ask their elders, including parents and superiors to absolve whatever they have done wrong, even if they do not know it or did not intend it.
