Hassan Rouhani

Iran arrests 12 for embezzling billions of dollars

Iranian authorities have arrested 12 people for syphoning off more than $4.5 billion (3.6 billion euros) from one of the country's main banks over several years, media reported Dec. 11.

The reports come amid government vows to clamp down on corruption in a bid to revive an economy devastated by decades of international sanctions.

Award-winning Iranian human rights lawyer arrested: husband

Award-winning Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh was arrested on Dec. 10 on unknown charges, her husband said, weeks after she was barred from practising for three years.
The couple's car was surrounded by intelligence agents on a highway in Tehran, Reza Khandan wrote on his Facebook page.

Iran president warns corruption threatens state

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani warned Dec. 8  that corruption poses a threat to the Islamic republic, pinning the blame in a thinly-veiled attack on powerful monopolies that control the economy.
"The people made the revolution in order to wipe out corruption," Rouhani told delegates at a conference in Tehran.

Iran won't be brought to knees on nuclear issue: Khamenei

Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Tuesday that Iran would not sink "to its knees" over its disputed nuclear programme, his first comment since a missed deadline for a deal.
"In the # nuclear issue, arrogants have made their best to bring # Iran to its knees but they were not able and will not be able to do so," a tweet on his @khamenei_ir account said.
