International finance

Will the renewed government be able to attract foreign capital?

There is an important economic agenda for the Justice and Development Party (AKP), which came to power again with a quite surprising 49 percent of the vote in the Nov. 1 election. At the center of this agenda is the increase of foreign capital inflow. This requirement is very important both for growth targets and also to be able to rollover the debt burden we are face-to-face with. 

Greece must reform to avoid default, says Bundesbank

May 18 Greece's government should stick to earlier commitments and present reform proposals to help avoid the country becoming insolvent, Germany's central bank warned on Monday.

In its monthly report, written by economists and officials at the bank, the Bundesbank used unusually frank language to describe what it called the «worrying» situation in Greece.

International election observer: Hot money

?The 2009 local elections? Some unaccredited $4,900,000,000 entered Turkey. The 2010 constitutional referendum... Some unaccredited $5,600,000,000 entered Turkey. The 2011 general elections, some unaccredited $12,200,000,000 entered Turkey. In 2012 and 2013 there are no elections; there were no unaccredited dollar inflows to Turkey. This year we have general elections.
