Jeff Flake

New US ambassador presents credentials to President Erdoğan

The United States' new ambassador to Turkey, Jeffrey Lane Flake, presented his credentials to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Jan. 26.

Flake, a former Republican senator, arrived in Turkey on Jan. 7 , replacing David Satterfield, who will serve as the U.S. special envoy to the Horn of Africa.

US Senate confirms Jeff Flake to Turkey envoy post

The Senate confirmed two prominent anti-Trump Republicans to serve in the Biden administration on Oct. 26 with former Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona approved to serve as the ambassador to Turkey and Cindy McCain, the wife of the late Sen. John McCain, approved to serve as the ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture.

Senate committee backs Biden's nominee for ambassador to Turkey

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Oct. 19 approved the nomination of former Senator Jeff Flake as U.S. ambassador to Turkey. 

The committee voted to approve 33 nomimees for the State Department, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other critical foreign policy nominations.

Trump bows to pressure, agrees to FBI probe of Kavanaugh

Reversing course, President Donald Trump bowed to Democrats' demands Friday for a deeper FBI investigation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after Republican Sen. Jeff Flake balked at voting for confirmation without it - a sudden turn that left Senate approval newly uncertain amid allegations of sexual assault.

Second Senator from the Republican Party of the US came into Confrontation with Trump

A second Senator from the Republican Party of the United States came into confrontation with President Donald Trump, world agencies said.

Jeff Flake said he would not run for a new term so he could talk freely. "It is unthinkable that someone has to stand silent in order to keep the norms that America keeps strong."
