Kyiv International Airport

Two-Way Flight Sofia-Ruse for BGN 60-70 after February 2022

The airport in Ruse will open for civil flights at the end of February next year. This forecast was announced on the air of "The Day Begins" by the Minister of Economy Daniela Vezieva.

According to her, the licensing for civil flights at the airport in the Danube city is currently being worked on.

Bulgarian Flight Delays Trigger A Government Investigation

Last week we reported that the Greek government is enacting emergency measures to end flight delays in the country. But Greece is not the only state battling with this issue. More and more European countries seem to believe that government intervention is required as a solution to frequent flight delays. Bulgaria now joins the list.

BGN 256 Million will be Invested in the Airports of Burgas and Varna in the Next 9 Years

Over the next nine years, another 256 million leva will be invested in the airports in Burgas and Varna. During the first ten years the concession company has invested BGN 350 million, as a result of which the two airports on the coast have new terminals, renewed infrastructure, computer and communication systems.
