Lake Van

Journey of pearl mullet fish in Turkey's Van Lake

The challenging migration of pearl mullets, an endemic fish species found only in Turkey's eastern Lake Van, has started as their spawning period began.

The pearl mullet, the only fish species in Lake Van, migrates to freshwaters by swimming inversely to the flow in their spawning period between April 15 and July 15.

Photo exhibiton on Akdamar Church opens in New York

A photo exhibition depicting the Armenian Akdamar Holy Cross Church in Turkey's eastern province of Van opened in New York on Nov. 5.
Organized by the Turkish Presidency Directorate of Communications, the exhibition highlights Turkey's efforts to restore and promote the medieval Christian art and architecture.

Ahlat, an open-air museum

I'm in Ahlat, currently a candidate for UNESCO World Cultural Heritage status. Ahlat (or Akhlat) is the gateway to Anatolia. Here, on Lake Van's most scenic shores, are the city of Bitlis, the city of our Ottoman forefathers, and the Islamic dome of the Seljuks.
