Laodicea on the Lycus

Unique Trajan statue restored

The statue of a Roman emperor, which was found during archaeological excavations in Laodicea ancient city in the western province of Denizli last year, will be put on display at the Hierapolis Archaeology Museum soon.

The statue is a one and only in the world in terms of its symbols and features.

Anatolian people established ancient city of Laodicea

Excavations in the ancient city of Laodicea in the western province of Denizli have found the historic settlement was established by Anatolian people, not Roman or Greeks as previously believed, Celal Şimşek, the head of the archaeology department at Pamukkale University (PAU) who leads the excavations, has said.

Bad weather prevents excavations

Bad weather conditions around Turkey also affect archaeological excavations at ancient cities. The work in Laodicea, which normally continues throughout the year, is on hiatus until March Archaeological excavations in the ancient city of Laodicea, located in the western province of Denizli, have been put on hiatus until March 1 over cold and rainy weather conditions in the region. 

Ancient baths double as schools in Laodicea

The western province of Denizli is home to 2,000-year-old bathes in the ancient city of Laodicea. According to the head of the Laodicea excavation, Pamukkale University head of the Archaeology Department Professor Celal Şimşek, said the ancient city had as much importance as Ephesus in terms of its trade, arts, culture and sports.