
Earthquake in Crete – Tents are set up for 2,500 people who were left homeless – The area is in a state of emergency

The Minister of Climate Crisis & Civil Protection, Christos Stylianidis, who is in area, said that together with the mayor and the governor and the whole team of local authorities, they decided to set up tents that will be able to accommodate 2,500 people, in order to serve all the families and all the people who should not enter the their homes tonight.

Strong 5.8R earthquake in Crete

A strong earthquake of 5.8 on the Richter scale, according to the measurement of the Geodynamic Institute, occurred in Crete.

According to the automatic solution of Geodynamic, the earthquake was centered 23 kilometers west-northwest of Arvi.

The focal depth of the strong vibration was 10 km.

Unprecedentedly Powerful Earhquake Rocks Australia, Causes Damages in Melbourne

 A magnitude 5.9 earthquake caused slight damage in suburban Melbourne on Wednesday in an unusually powerful temblor for Australia.

The quake hit about 80 miles northeast of Australia's second-most populous city near the town of Mansfield at a depth of 10 6 miles, Geoscience Australia said.

Rare Australia earthquake triggers panic in Melbourne

A rare quake rattled southeastern Australia early on Sept. 22, shaking buildings, knocking down walls and sending panicked Melbourne residents running into the streets.

The shallow tremor hit east of the country's second-largest city just after 9:00am local time (2300 GMT) and was felt hundreds of kilometers (miles) away.
