
Acting JusMin Lucian Bode: Dismantling Section for Judicial Crimes Investigation remains a priority of mine

Acting Justice Minister Lucian Bode said on Thursday that the dismantling of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ) remains a priority of his term, and the solution should be "a solid bill" that takes into account the recommendations of the Venice Commission. "Another priority of my term as interim is the abolition of the SIIJ.

INTERVIEW/Sova:We will difficultly get through summer;CFRCalatori will not have enough cars to satisfy traffic

CFR Calatori national railway passenger corporation will not have enough cars this summer to meet the traveling need, especially to the seaside, given that from 1,200 cars in inventory, 400 were halted due to technical reasons, Transport Minister Lucian Sova told an interview for AGERPRES.