Mariya Gabriel

David Cameron to Visit Bulgaria at Mariya Gabriel's Invitation

Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, is set to arrive in Bulgaria today for a diplomatic visit, following an invitation extended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mariya Gabriel.

Scheduled discussions between Cameron and Gabriel will encompass a wide range of topics spanning both bilateral and international issues of mutual concern.

Bulgarian Government Set to Resign in March - The Date is Fixed

Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov announced today that the Bulgarian government will resign on March 6, bringing clarity to the ongoing political situation. Denkov, speaking to reporters during a visit to the Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant (PSHP) "Belmeken", emphasized that negotiations with Mariya Gabriel regarding the future rotating cabinet are progressing smoothly.

Borissov's Ultimatum: No Ministry of Foreign Affairs for GERB, No Assembly!

In a bold move, Boyko Borissov, the leader of GERB, issued a stern ultimatum, declaring that if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not remain within his party's control, there will be no further negotiations with their 'assembly' partner "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria (WCC-DB)", no government rotation, and he even hinted at the possibility of early elections.

Rotation Dispute: GERB Seeks Fresh Pick for Bulgarian Foreign Minister

In a move set to shake up Bulgaria's political landscape, the ruling party GERB has announced its intention to nominate a new candidate for the position of foreign minister during the ongoing ministerial rotation. This decision comes as a response to objections raised by the party We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria (WCC-DB) regarding the reappointment of Mariya Gabriel to the role.

GERB Warns of Potential Government Crisis Over Foreign Minister Position

In a recent interview with BNT, GERB leader Boyko Borissov addressed concerns about the potential failure of the government rotation due to disagreements over the appointment of a new foreign minister. Borissov's remarks come amid tensions between the GERB party and the We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria (WCC-DB) coalition regarding the distribution of ministerial positions.

Bulgarian Government in Flux: WCC-DB Ministers Face Rotation Debates

The political landscape in Bulgaria is witnessing potential upheaval as at least four ministers from the "We Continuing the Change - Democratic Bulgaria" (WCC-DB) party may be on the verge of stepping down in the government's rotation, according to reports by OFFNews. The ministers in question are Hristo Hinkov, Zaritsa Dinkova, Dimitar Iliev, and Alexander Iolovski.
