National League for Democracy

Myanmar junta hints may extend state of emergency, delay polls

Myanmar's junta on Tuesday said the country had "not returned to normalcy" almost two years after its coup, casting doubt over plans for elections and ending a state of emergency.

The Southeast Asian country has been in turmoil since the military toppled democracy figurehead Aung San Suu Kyi's civilian government, alleging massive fraud during elections her party won in 2020.

Myanmar's election reflected people's will, monitoring group says

Myanmar's election last year reflected the will of the people and the army was unjustified in using alleged flaws as a reason to seize power, an international monitoring group said on May 17 in its final report.

The Feb. 1 coup cut short a decade of tentative democratic reforms and led to the arrest of elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi, whose party had swept the Nov. 8 election.

Turkey condemns use of force on civilians in Myanmar

Turkey on Feb. 28 condemned the Myanmar military junta's disproportionate use of force on peaceful protesters causing the loss of many civilian lives. 

"We observe with deep concern that the stability in Myanmar is deteriorating after the coup d'etat on 1 February 2021," the Foreign Ministry said in a press release.

Tens of thousands rally in growing protests against Myanmar coup

Tens of thousands of anti-coup protesters in Myanmar poured back onto the streets on Feb. 7, as an internet blackout failed to stifle growing outrage at the military's ouster of elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

The fresh rally followed large protests on Feb. 6 across the country condemning the coup that brought a 10-year experiment with democracy to a crashing halt.
