National Rally

Marine Le Pen loses popularity, Macron gets a serious opponent; who is Éric Zemmour?

Political journalist, essayist, writer and television analyst ric Zemmour surpassed far-right doyen Marine Le Pen in popularity, according to public opinion polls on presidential candidates, currently presenting himself as the main challenger to incumbent President Emmanuel Macron ahead of the April elections.

Le Pen suffers disappointment in French regional polls

The party of France's far-right leader Marine Le Pen performed weaker than expected in the first round of regional elections on June 20, in a vote marked by record levels of abstention.

Early projections showed the center-right Republicans party on course to top June 20's vote, while Le Pen's National Rally undershot predictions based on voter surveys conducted last week.

Factbox: EU vote - the domestic fall-out in Greece and across Europe

European Parliament elections not only determine the make-up of the next EU assembly and help decide who ends up running top European institutions but can also play back into the national politics of the bloc's 28 member states.
Here is a run-down of some of those national stakes after polls closed on Sunday and exit polls and early results came in:
