Normandy format

Russia Urged Europe to Clarify its Position on the Iranian Nuclear Agreement

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is on a visit to Germany and yesterday urged Europe to make a clearer stance on the Iranian nuclear deal, BTA reported.
    Lavrov expressed Russia's growing concern about the US's exit from nuclear arms control treaties.

Foreign Ministers of France and Russia Will Discuss the Prospects For Their Bilateral Relations on Tuesday

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his French counterpart Jean-Iv le Drian  will hold talks Tuesday to discuss the prospects for their bilateral relations and to exchange views on the situation in Syria, Ukraine and the Korean Peninsula.

Slaughter like in Srebrenica could happen in Ukraine - Putin

The reason, according to Putin, is that the authorities in Kiev "have no desire to implement the Minsk agreements."

At one point he compared the region of Donbass with Srebrenica.

"As for the tragedy that is playing out there, one should always look at the primary source, and that was the coup (in Ukraine)," Putin said, according to Sputnik's Serbian language website.

Russian President Putin Refuses To Visit France

Russian President Vladimir Putin has cancelled his visit to France for a meeting with his French counter-part François Hollande, reported Reuters.

Earlier, the French President questioned the expediency of a meeting with Putin after Russia rejected in the Security Council of the UN the draft resolution of France and Italy for the creation of a no-fly zone over Aleppo.
