
Weather Forecast: Maximum Temperatures between 2C and 7C

Today, variable cloudiness is forecast, more often considerable, with no precipitation for most of the day. The northwest wind will pick up, becoming moderate, in the Danubian Plain to strong at times. Daytime temperatures will rise, reaching highs between 2C and 7C. Later in the afternoon, from the northeast, moderate wind will start bringing cold air again.

Weather Forecast: Maximum Temperatures between 9C and 14C

Today, clouds, initially high and medium-level, will increase, and by the end of the day and overnight only some places in eastern Bulgaria will see light rain. A moderate west-southwest wind will blow. Maximum temperatures between 9C and 14C, in Sofia - about 10C. Atmospheric pressure will drop and by the evening it will again be lower than the average for the month.

Weather Forecast: Maximum Temperatures between 8C to 13C

It will be mostly sunny today. 

Light to moderate winds will continue from the west-northwest, changing briefly during the day to west-southwest direction. Daytime temperatures will rise significantly to reach maximums of 8C to 13C, or even higher in places. Atmospheric pressure will drop but will stay significantly higher than the average for the month.

Mostly Sunny Today. The Temperatures will Continue to Rise

It will be mostly sunny today. There will be light wind from west-southwest.

The temperatures will rise further, reaching maximums between 6C and 11C. Atmospheric pressure will drop, but will remain slightly higher than the average for the month.

This is the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) weather forecast. 

Weather Forecast: Mostly Sunny with a Rise in Daily Temperatures

It will be mostly sunny today, with scattered high clouds.

A light west wind will blow. The daily temperatures will rise, reaching maximums between 5C and 10C, in Sofia around 5C. Atmospheric pressure will drop during the day, but will remain higher than the average for the month.

This is the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) weather forecast.
