
Elefsina shipyard streamlining deal to be signed on Monday

Labor Minister Adonis Georgiadis announced on Saturday that ONEX Shipyards and the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFCgov) will formally sign their agreement for the funding of the streamlining plan of Elefsis Shipyards with over $100 million on Monday, in Elefsina.

"The renaissance of the shipbuilding industry in Greece is now a reality," he said. 

US Congress approves funding for Elefsis Shipyards

The US Congress has approved financing through borrowing for ONEX Shipyards to carry out the consolidation plan for Elefsis Shipyards.

The US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC), America's development bank, will provide the amount of $125 million.

This financing will be the first so far from DFC for Greece.

Workers at Elefsis Shipyards to get 30% of back pay

ΟΝΕΧ will distribute 1.8 million euros as financial support to workers at Elefsis Shipyards ahead of the Easter holidays, covering 30% of the previous ownership's debt to workers, Chairman and CEO Panos Xenocostas said in a letter.

The payment will be made on Friday and will vary from €600 to €7,000, depending on the previous debt.
