Panhellenic Socialist Movement

Is Podemos another victim of SYRIZA? Spanish voters learnt from Greek mistakes

“SYRIZA, Podemos – venceremos” chanted Podemos’s Pablo Iglesias into the microphone back in January 25, on the golden days of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA). Greece had voted to “tear the bailout” and the anti-austerity sentiment was high. It was believed that an anti-austerity movement would rip-roar through Europe beginning in Greece with SYRIZA.

Back then, Iglesias had said:

Our country needs plan, cooperation and work, says PASOK leader

PASOK leader Fofi Gennimata spoke to the national broadcaster ERT and said that she is in favour of the agreement and cooperation of many political forces stressing that “the story of the parliamentary majority is an illusion”.

“What our country needs is plan, cooperation, work and care” she added.

Greekment: Lafazanis says “Recant!” PM Tsipras says “I can’t!”

Radical Left Coalition Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, head of the Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government’s Left Platform, is urging Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to recoil from the agreement before austerity legislation makes its way to Greek Parliament.
