
"China wants war"

Pavel stated that Beijing benefits from prolonging the war.
The president's statements came to the Czech Republic as China tries to position itself as a peacemaker in Ukraine.
While most Western allies have been skeptical of China as a peace mediator, some countries such as France insist that China could play a major role in peace talks.

Former NATO general Petr Pavel wins Czech presidential vote

Retired NATO general Petr Pavel defeated a billionaire former prime minister in an election run-off on Saturday to become the fourth president of the Czech Republic.

Pavel, a former paratrooper, won 58.3 percent of votes while Andrej Babis scored 41.7 percent, according to final results published by the Czech Statistical Office.

Russia Poses no threat to Baltic Republics - Czech Officials

Prague. Russia poses no direct threat to the Baltic states but NATO is deploying additional forces there to demonstrate its resolve to protect its eastern flank, Czech General Petr Pavel, the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, and former Czech Foreign Minister Jan Kavan told the Czech Television on Sunday, TASS reports.