
Turkish PM warns EU against 'stigmatizing Muslims'

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu told the European Union on Jan 15 they shared many values, including freedom of speech, but warned against "stigmatizing Muslims" in the fallout from the Paris Islamist attacks.

Davuto?lu noted after meeting European Union President Donald Tusk that he had been in Paris at the weekend to take part in the Charlie Hebdo solidarity march.

The age of responsibility

The German authorities have banned the carrying of posters that had cartoons insulting the Prophet Muhammad at the Leipzig rally organized by the fanatical anti-Islam PEGIDA movement.

Isn't this a restriction of freedom of expression? Leipzig German authorities explained it as such: "We think that, after the Paris incidents, these caricatures will be tools for provocation."

Islam a European reality, there to stay, Turkish PM says

Islam is a European reality and Muslims across the continent are there to stay, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu told journalists while returning from Berlin late on Jan. 12.

"There is a settled persuasion that a solution can be found via accepting that Islam is a European reality," Davuto?lu said, commenting on the hot debate over rising Islamophobia in Europe.

Rival Rallies Attract Thousands of Participants Across Germany

Following last week's terrorist attacks in Paris, 25 000 people joined an anti-Islamisation march in Dresden, while thousands of other Germans participated in counter-rallies on Monday.

The anti-Islamisation marches in Dresden have become the trademark of the Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West, shortened to PEGIDA, the BBC reports.
