Persecution of Muslims

Israeli Historian ‘Will Correct Srebrenica Death Toll in Bosnian Serb Report’

Gideon Greif told Israeli newspaper Haaretz on Tuesday that he will soon produce an addendum to the report on Srebrenica published last July by a commission funded by the government of Bosnia's Serb-dominated entity Republika Srpska to make clear that around 8,000 people from Srebrenica were killed in July 1995.

Bosnian Serb Army Ex-Soldier Convicted of Crimes Against Humanity

The Bosnian state court on Wednesday handed down a first-instance verdict sentencing Sabahudin 'Sasa' Kajdic, a former member of the Third Company of the Bosnian Serb Army's Prijedor Motorised Brigade, to 12 years in prison for committed crimes against humanity in Prijedor in 1992.

Serbian Director Threatens US Lawsuit over WWII Film Review

Predrag 'Gaga' Antonijevic, director and producer of 'Dara of Jasenovac', Serbia's entry for the Best International Feature Film at the 2021 Oscars, which deals with crimes committed at the Jasenovac concentration camp in Croatia, said on Sunday that he intends to sue the Los Angeles Times for denying war crimes committed against Serbs at the WWII camp.

Bosnia Rejects Serb Ex-Soldier’s Appeal in War Rape Case

The Constitutional Court on Tuesday dismissed the appeal filed by Milorad Mrdja, in which he alleged that his right to a fair trial had been violated and the state court's verdict sentencing him to seven years in prison for wartime crimes against civilians in the Sanski Most area was based on unlawful evidence in its decisive part.
