Politics of the European Union

Ashton: Serbia example to others in region

BELGRADE - EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton has voiced confidence on Monday that Serbia can be the example to others in the region, and show them what can be achieved through hard work and leadership.

Addressing the Serbian parliament during a special session, Ashton noted that some tough choices will also have to be made in the process.

Vucic:We want to put country in order,Ashton pledged support

BELGRADE – Serbia’s Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said Monday that Serbia will be the first in this part of Europe to launch talks on the rule of law Chapters 23 and 24 as early as next year, a clear sign that we want to put the country in order, and European foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton pledged EU assistance today.

Ashton to address Serbian parliament on Monday

BELGRADE - EU High Representative and Vice President of the European Commission Catherine Ashton will address the Serbian parliament at a special meeting on Monday.

The meeting will start at 3:15 p.m. CET, according to the parliament.
Ashton will arrive in Serbia on Monday to meet with future prime minister Aleksandar Vucic and President Tomislav Nikolic.

Ukraine, EU, Russia, US to Meet in Geneva

Representatives of Ukraine, the EU, Russia and the US are to discuss the situation in Eastern and Southern Ukraine in Thursday's meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.

The diplomatic effort is virtually under way, as Ukraine's Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsya was reported to have met EU's High Representative on Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton.

EU Approves EUR 1 B Aid Package to Ukraine

The EU has officially approved an aid package of EUR 1 B for Ukraine in a bid to help the interim government deal with the deep financial problems of the country.

At a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Luxembourg, the customs duties on Ukrainian goods were lowered in a move expected to save the country around EUR 500 M a year.
