
Potami leader Theodorakis keeps cards close to chest on Prespes vote

Confirming that his party would vote against the government in the confidence vote on Wednesday, centrist Potami leader Stavros Theodorakis declared that a vote of confidence in the government was tantamount to support for the Prespes deal but contended that the opposite does not apply. 

Man charged with attempted violence against politicians

A prosecutor brought felony charges of attempted violence against a political body, the government or its members against a man for allegedly sending threatening messages to lawmakers who have said they will support the Prespes deal.

The 63-year-old suspect, a former Navy officer, was given time until Thursday morning to appear before an investigative magistrate.

Eurasia Group: Tsipras likely to move up national elections to late May, ND to win absolute majority

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is likely to survive a parliamentary vode of confidence after his nationalist coalition partner quit in disagreement over the Prespes accord, risk consultancy Eurasia Group said Monday giving a 60 percent probability.

Police detain 20 people outside Athens Concert Hall amid protest against Prespes deal

Police detained 20 people who had gathered outside the Athens Concert Hall to protest against the Prespes name deal between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras lauded the pact during an event on Sunday night.
