
Prostitution racket uncovered in Attica

A large prostitution racket that exploited women from Moldova has been unraveled by police in Attica who have arrested 15 people - 12 foreign nationals and three Greeks.
According to authorities, the gang preyed on women in the Eastern European country and lured them to Greece, where they were forced into prostitution at brothels across central Athens.

Prostitution on the rise, university study shows

The number of women engaging in prostitution has been on the rise in recent years, according to a study by Athens's Panteion University, which also found a marked increase in the number of customers.

According to the results of the research, the rise in prostitution began after 2010, coinciding with the social and cultural implications of Greece's financial and migration crisis.

Former senior police officer detained in operation against prostitution gang in Istanbul

The former police chief of Istanbul’s Kadıköy district, İbrahim Kocaoğlu, was detained on Feb. 15 along with 11 other police officers within the scope of a large-scale operation against a prostitution gang, daily Habertürk reported on Feb. 16. 
