
Serbian president first to congratulate Putin on his victory

"This is an unprecedented result, even those who know Russian politics are surprised. The Russians voted in the election in a sovereign manner - they want a strong state, a strong president, they do not want anybody from the outside to lecture them, they want a strong economy... all that Putin has accomplished," Popovic told Prva TV.

Putin: We did not understand what comes with bombs on Yugoslavia

Whenever Russian President mentions Serbia and Kosovo it automatically has a big echo in the Balkans. Because of the tense relationship of the great powers, Putin's recollection of already quoted estimate on the great USA and NATO's sin when they bombed Yugoslavia in 1999 again gained a noticeable space in media.

Putin: Russia Proved to be a Democratic Society

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his annual address to the nation at the Federal Assembly of the country. He announced that Russia has emerged as a democratic society in its free and independent way. According to him, no matter who the next president is, the Russian people should be aware of today's challenges for Russia.
