
Gulf football diplomacy highlights regional divisions

The outcome of the debate about the invitation extended to Jordan and Morocco to attend the Gulf Cup will serve as one more indicator of the balance of power among the Gulf states Wealthy Gulf states have invited Jordan and Morocco to compete in future Gulf Cups as part of a bid to strengthen their fragile six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), at a time when they have - at best - papered

Qatar in quandary over labor laws ahead of 2022 World Cup

Qatar, caught in a Catch-22 between a requirement to quickly reform its labor system in a bid to convince human rights and trade union activists that it is serious on workers’ rights and the domestic need to proceed slowly, risks losing the goodwill it has built in recent years that could further fuel demands to deprive the Gulf state of its 2022 World Cup hosting rights.

Searching for the smoking gun in Qatar’s ’22 World Cup controversy

The way Qatar has so far handled the persistent suspicion over the 2022 World Cup does not do any good for the country when it is wrestling against allegations of bribery Qatar’s handling of persistent suspicion that it illicitly employed its financial muscle to win the right to host the 2022 World Cup has earned it a conviction in the court of public opinion even if revelations of all

Greeks in Qatar contributing to the great boom

 Opportunities for highly skilled labor abound in the 2022 World Cup host A general view of Doha city, capital of Qatar, with buildings under construction is seen in a file photo. Some 3,000 Greeks – many of them civil and mechanical engineers – live in Qatar, making them a sizable community.

By Ioanna Fotiadi
