
Kozloduy NPP Unit 5 Works Again, No Risk of Radioactive Contamination

In the early hours on January 22, Kozloduy nuclear power plant (situated on the Danube River in northwestern Bulgaria) shut down Unit 5 after a protection system was activated following a routine technical operation.

Power plant representatives are firm there is no accident. The protection system was activated during a routine operation.

Ankara steps up medical device development amid virus

Seeking to stem the hundreds of millions of dollars it costs annually to buy medical devices from abroad, Turkey has stepped up its efforts to develop and produce these devices within the country instead.

Expenses for importing medical devices such as respirators or X-ray systems reached more than $8 billion in the last five years, while there has also been a gradual decline.

Chernobyl fire has not affected Greece, commission says

No radioactivity has been detected in the Greek atmosphere nor are findings of any radiological significance expected, the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE) said in a new statement regarding a forest fire that took place from April 4 to 14 in the area of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine.

Radiation readings at antenna towers below safe level of exposure

The radiation emitted by antenna towers in Greece's cities did not exceed safe levels last year, according to the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (EEAE).

In a report summing up its radiation counts in 2019 - aimed at ensuring the public is not exposed to excessive levels of radiation - the EEAE found no transgressions in urban areas.
