Russian strikes against Ukrainian infrastructure

EU to Supply Emergency Power to Ukraine Amidst Russian Airstrikes

Overnight Russian airstrikes targeted energy facilities across Ukraine, leaving over 1 million energy consumers in the country without electricity, as reported by Reuters.

The airstrikes primarily focused on regions in eastern Kharkiv Oblast, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, and Poltava Oblast, resulting in widespread power outages affecting hundreds of thousands of residents.

Russian Airstrikes Leave Over One Million Ukrainians Without Power

In the aftermath of last night's devastating Russian airstrikes on energy facilities, over one million consumers in Ukraine find themselves without power, as reported by a senior presidential official today. The strikes have wrought havoc across multiple regions, leaving hundreds of thousands in darkness.

US Urges Ukraine to Halt Strikes on Russian Oil Bases Amid Global Concerns

The United States has urged Ukraine to cease its attacks on Russia's energy infrastructure, citing concerns over potential repercussions on global oil prices and retaliatory actions. The call for restraint comes amidst reports of intensified drone strikes targeting refineries, terminals, and storage facilities in western Russia.

Russia hits Ukraine with deadly barrage, Zelensky appeals for aid

Russia launched a massive wave of deadly overnight attacks on Ukraine using over 90 missiles and 60 Iranian-made drones, Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Friday, in one of the largest offensives recently.

"There were more than 60 'Shaheds' and almost 90 missiles of various types overnight," he said.

Explosions Rock Kharkiv as Russian Strikes Target Power Supply

The city of Kharkiv, Ukraine, was shaken by a series of explosions this morning, with Mayor Igor Terekhov confirming about 15 blasts. Initial assessments suggest that Russian missile strikes deliberately targeted the city's power infrastructure, resulting in a partial blackout and disrupting essential services.

Explosions heard in centre of Ukraine capital Kiev

Explosions rang out in the centre of Ukraine's capital on Thursday, following air alerts prompted by Russian missiles and drones, a day after several civilians were killed on both sides of the conflict.

Around ten loud blasts were heard by AFP journalists from 05:00 am (0300 GMT) in Kiev, as well as air defence fire.

Massive Missile Attack Strikes Kyiv: Dozens Injured, Residential Areas Damaged

Reports from the Ukrainian Air Force indicate a devastating missile assault on the capital city of Kyiv, with significant casualties and widespread damage to residential and industrial areas. According to UNIAN Agency, the attack involved nine Tu-95 bombers equipped with "Kinzhal" missiles, unleashing chaos and destruction across the city.

A big blow to Russia

41 drones were destroyed over Rostov Oblast, three over Volgograd, two over Kursk, and one Ukrainian drone over Belgorod Oblast, reports RIA Novosti.
At the same time, the Ukrainian Air Force shot down 12 of the 15 drones that Russia attacked Ukraine with last night, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced.

Russia and Ukraine launch overnight drone attacks

Ukraine launched a drone attack on a Russian metal plant in a border region on Wednesday, causing a fire at a fuel tank, the local governor said.

Kiev meanwhile announced it had intercepted dozens of Russian drones as both sides launched a wave of overnight aerial attacks in an attempt to hit targets deep behind the front lines.
