Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson is single! (photos)

Scarlett Johansson, one the sexiest Hollywood stars has split up with husband Romain Dauriac after two years of marriage, according to “Us Weekly.” Scarlett, 32, and the French journalist went public with their relationship in 2013 and have one daughter, Rose, 2. The couple secretly tied the knot in October, 2014 at the Ranch at Rock Creek in Philisburg, Montana.

Man breaks into Turkey's İncirlik air base, takes photos with Scarlett Johansson, US celebrities

A man broke into the İncirlik air base in the southern Turkish province of Adana on Dec. 6 to take pictures with Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson and other celebrities, who were at the base for U.S. Chief of Staff Joseph Dunford's USO Holiday Tour aimed at boosting U.S. soldiers' morale.

Scarlett Johansson's secret Istanbul holiday with husband hounded by paparazzi

American actress Scarlett Johansson and her husband Romain Dauriac have lashed out at reporters in Turkey after their low-key Istanbul vacation was exposed and they became hounded by paparazzi. 

Three-time Golden Globe Award-nominee Johansson enjoyed wine by the Bosphorus with her husband Dauriac, a French journalist, in Istanbul?s Ortaköy neighborhood. 

Jennifer Lawrence top-grossing actor

Jennifer Lawrence ruled the box office in 2014. The Oscar winner topped Forbes' annual list of the top-grossing actors in Hollywood due to her starring roles in two of the year's biggest blockbusters.

The 24-year-old star's movies "X-Men: Days of Future Past" and "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1" earned a combined gross of $1.4 billion worldwide to date.
