Supreme Court of Spain

Top prosecutor calls for secrecy in Pylos investigation

Supreme Court Prosecutor Isidoros Dogiakos sent a circular late on Thursday night urging absolute secrecy in the investigations being conducted in relation to the shipwreck that left at least 78 people dead in international waters near Pylos. The circular was sent to all members of the judiciary involved in the investigation as well as members of the Coast Guard.

Presidential decree accepts resignation of Supreme Court vice president

A presidential decree was issued Friday accepting the resignation of Christos Tzanerikos, who was the vice president of the Supreme Court and the president of the A1 chamber of the court.

The A1 chamber is responsible for verifying the legality of political parties that participate in parliamentary elections.

Bulgarian Constitutional Court Decided: The Minister of Justice may Demand the Resignation of the Prosecutor General

The Minister of Justice may make a proposal to the Supreme Judicial Council for the early release of the Prosecutor General, as well as to the chairmen of the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Supreme Administrative Court. This was ruled by the Constitutional Court on Tuesday. The decision was taken unanimously - with 10 votes in favor.

Supreme Court president stresses importance of independence of judiciary

Bled – A two-day Conference of Chief Justices of Central and Eastern Europe, which focussed on the independence of judiciary at the institutional level and the level of judges, concludes in Bled on Tuesday. Supreme Court president Damijan Florjančič said new situations challenging this were emerging all the time.

Polish Courts: Independent Judiciary Wins Battle, Not War

Poland's battered judiciary scored a small but important victory on Tuesday, when Warsaw district court judge Igor Tuleya "survived" a hearing before the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court.

Experts called it a significant win in the struggle raging over ultimate political control of the Polish judiciary, in which Tuleya is seen as one of the most prominent independent figures.
